Source code for pyneric.meta

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""The `pyneric.meta` module contains helpers for metaclassing."""

# Support Python 2 & 3.
from __future__ import (absolute_import, division, print_function,
from pyneric.future import *

import collections
from copy import copy
import inspect

from pyneric import util

__all__ = []

METADATA_BEHAVIOUR_ATTRIBUTE = '__metadata_behaviour__'
"""The `Metaclass` class attribute storing the `MetadataBehaviour` instance."""

[docs]class MetadataBehaviour(object): """The behaviour of a `Metaclass`. This behaviour defines how the metadata in a `Metaclass` is defined and managed. The default behaviour should work for most needs unless there are conflicting attributes or methods. Another reason to use non-default behaviour would be to apply `Metaclass` to an existing metadata management paradigm. """ def __init__(self, metadata_attr='__metadata__', propagate_attr='__propagate__', base_override_attr='__base_overrides__', validate_prefix='validate_', storage_attr='__metadata__', storage_class=dict, metadata_getter='_get_metadata', validate_transforms=False): # Validate arguments so that issues are caught early. attr_dict = dict(metadata_attr=metadata_attr, propagate_attr=propagate_attr, base_override_attr=base_override_attr, validate_prefix=validate_prefix, storage_attr=storage_attr, metadata_getter=metadata_getter) for name, value in attr_dict.items(): required = name in ('metadata_attr', 'storage_attr', 'metadata_getter') if not (value is None and not required or isinstance(value, basestring)): raise TypeError( "{} must be a string{}." .format(name, "" if required else " or None")) if not inspect.isclass(storage_class): raise TypeError("storage_class must be a class.") self._metadata_attr = metadata_attr self._propagate_attr = propagate_attr self._base_override_attr = base_override_attr self._validate_prefix = validate_prefix self._storage_attr = storage_attr self._storage_class = storage_class self._metadata_getter = metadata_getter self._validate_transforms = validate_transforms @property def metadata_attr(self): """The name of a class attribute that may contain metadata. The attribute may be a sequence of attribute names or a mapping of metadata values keyed by attribute name. The attribute names become identifiers of user metadata, as opposed to internally managed metadata such as :attr:`propagate_attr` and :attr:`storage_attr`. """ return self._metadata_attr @property def propagate_attr(self): """The attribute name that contains the propagated attribute names. This is the name of an internally-managed metadata attribute that can be used to specify which user metadata attributes are also accessible from an instance of the metaclass. If this is `None`, then no propagation occurs. """ return self._propagate_attr @property def base_override_attr(self): """The attribute name that contains a mapping of overridden values. This is the name of an internally-managed metadata attribute that can be used to specify user metadata values that should override values obtained from base metaclasses. If the metadata value is specified directly in the derived metaclass, then this has no effect. If this is `None`, then no metadata from bases are overridden. """ return self._base_override_attr @property def storage_attr(self): """The name of the attribute in which metadata is stored. This is the name of a metadata behaviour attribute that is used to store the metadata in the metaclass. This value is required because the metadata must be stored and accessed from somewhere. """ return self._storage_attr @property def storage_class(self): """The class used to contain metadata. The class specified must be able to accept user metadata arguments via its constructor and provide access to metadata values. If this is not a `~collections.Mapping`, then the metadata values must be accessible as attributes. This value is required because the metadata must be stored and accessed somehow. """ return self._storage_class @property def metadata_getter(self): """The name of the class method used to retrieve metadata values. This applies to both `Metaclass` instances and classes built with them. """ return self._metadata_getter @property def storage_is_mapping(self): """Return whether the `storage_class` is a `~collections.Mapping`.""" return issubclass(self._storage_class, collections.Mapping)
[docs] def define_property_if_not_descriptor(self, dict, attr): """Define a property in `dict` if it is not already a data descriptor. :param dict dict: The mapping in which to define the property. :param str attr: The key in the mapping to which to set the property. """ try: value = dict[attr] except KeyError: pass else: if inspect.isdatadescriptor(value): return dict[attr] = property(lambda self, attr=attr, behaviour=self: getattr(self, behaviour._metadata_getter)(attr) if isinstance(type(self), _Metametaclass) else getattr(type(self), attr))
def _get_local_metadata(self, dict, base_attrs=()): result = {} metadata = dict.pop(self._metadata_attr, {}) if isinstance(metadata, collections.Mapping): result.update(metadata) elif not isinstance(metadata, collections.Iterable): raise TypeError( "The '{}' attribute must be a mapping or iterable." .format(self._metadata_attr)) for attr in tuple(metadata) + tuple(base_attrs): try: value = dict[attr] except KeyError: continue if not inspect.isdatadescriptor(value): result[attr] = value return result
[docs] def get_behavioural_data(self, cls): """Return a three-tuple containing a class's behavioural data. :param cls: The class from which to get the behavioural data. :returns: Three-tuple whose elements are metadata, propagated attributes, and base-override attributes. :rtype: tuple """ metadata = getattr(cls, self._storage_attr) if not issubclass(self._storage_class, collections.Mapping): metadata = metadata.__dict__ metadata = metadata.copy() propagate = (set(metadata.pop(self._propagate_attr, ())) if self._propagate_attr else None) base_overrides = (dict(metadata.pop(self._base_override_attr, {})) if self._base_override_attr else None) return metadata, propagate, base_overrides
[docs] def get_class_metadata(self, cls, bases, dict): """Return the metadata defined in a class definition. :param class cls: The class being defined. :param tuple bases: The base classes from the class definition. :param dict dict: The attribute dictionary from the class definition. :returns: All (user and internally-managed) metadata from the class (including those inherited from applicable base metaclasses) :rtype: dict """ result = {} propagate = set(dict.pop(self._propagate_attr, ())) base_overrides = dict.pop(self._base_override_attr, {}).copy() if isinstance(cls, _Metametaclass): behaviour = getattr(cls, METADATA_BEHAVIOUR_ATTRIBUTE) m, p, b = behaviour.get_behavioural_data(cls) result.update(m) if p: propagate |= p if b: base_overrides.update(x for x in b.items() if x[0] not in base_overrides) if issubclass(cls, _Metametaclass): metabases = [x for x in bases if isinstance(x, _Metametaclass)] if metabases: for base in reversed(metabases): m, p, b = base.behavioural_data result.update(m) if p: propagate |= p if b: base_overrides.update(b) for attr, value in base_overrides.items(): result[attr] = value result.update(self._get_local_metadata(dict, tuple(result))) if self._propagate_attr: propagate |= set(result.get(self._propagate_attr, ())) result[self._propagate_attr] = propagate if self._base_override_attr: base_overrides.update(result.get(self._base_override_attr, {})) result[self._base_override_attr] = base_overrides return result
[docs] def get_metadata(self, cls, attr=None): """Return metadata from the given class. :param class cls: The class from which to retrieve metadata. :param attr: The attribute identifying which metadata to return. :type attr: str or None :returns: A shallow copy of all metadata if `attr` is `None`; otherwise, the metadata value identified by `attr`. """ metadata = getattr(cls, self._storage_attr) if not attr: return copy(metadata) if not self.storage_is_mapping: return getattr(metadata, attr) try: return metadata[attr] except KeyError: pass util.raise_attribute_error(cls, attr)
[docs] def prepare_new(self, cls, bases, dict): """Prepare `dict` prior to calling :meth:`~type.__new__`. This sets values in `dict` that must be set during class creation to manage the metadata properly. """ metadata = self.get_class_metadata(cls, bases, dict) if self._validate_prefix: for attr, value in metadata.items(): try: validate = getattr(cls, self._validate_prefix + attr) except AttributeError: continue if not callable(validate): continue new_value = validate(value) if self._validate_transforms and new_value is not value: metadata[attr] = new_value if self._propagate_attr: for attr in metadata[self._propagate_attr]: self.define_property_if_not_descriptor(dict, attr) dict[self._storage_attr] = self._storage_class(**metadata) dict[self._metadata_getter] = classmethod( lambda c, attr=None: getattr(c, METADATA_BEHAVIOUR_ATTRIBUTE).get_metadata(c, attr))
class _Metametaclass(type): def __new__(cls, name, bases, dict): behaviour = util.get_from_dict_or_objects(METADATA_BEHAVIOUR_ATTRIBUTE, dict, bases) metadata = behaviour.get_class_metadata(cls, bases, dict) for attr in metadata: behaviour.define_property_if_not_descriptor(dict, attr) dict[behaviour.storage_attr] = behaviour.storage_class(**metadata) dict[behaviour.metadata_getter] = classmethod( lambda c, attr=None: getattr(c, METADATA_BEHAVIOUR_ATTRIBUTE).get_metadata(c, attr)) new_class = super().__new__(cls, name, bases, dict) return new_class @property def behavioural_data(self): """Return a tuple containing this class's behavioural data. See :meth:`MetadataBehaviour.get_behavioural_data` for details. """ behaviour = getattr(self, METADATA_BEHAVIOUR_ATTRIBUTE) return behaviour.get_behavioural_data(self) @util.add_to_all
[docs]class Metaclass(future.with_metaclass(_Metametaclass, type)): """A metaclass for managing metadata. Metadata management can be customized by specifying a different `MetadataBehaviour` instance in the `__metadata_behaviour__` attribute. The following applies when default metadata behaviour is used. Metadata may be defined with in the :attr:`__metadata__` attribute in the metaclass definition, which may be an iterable of attribute names or a mapping of values keys by attribute name. These defined metadata attributes can be set via attributes in the class definition and accessed via class attributes. Metadata may be propagated (as properties) to instances by specifying their attribute names in the :attr:`__propagate__` attribute when access to metadata from the class's instances is desired. The :attr:`__base_overrides__` attribute may be set to a mapping of metadata values keyed by attribute name to automatically set those metadata values in derived metaclasses when it has not defined the metadata value itself. """ __metadata_behaviour__ = MetadataBehaviour() """See :class:`MetadataBehaviour`.""" def __new__(cls, name, bases, dict): behaviour = getattr(cls, METADATA_BEHAVIOUR_ATTRIBUTE) behaviour.prepare_new(cls, bases, dict) return super(Metaclass, cls).__new__(cls, name, bases, dict)