Source code for pyneric.rest_requests

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""The `pyneric.rest_requests` module contains REST resource classes."""

# Support Python 2 & 3.
from __future__ import (absolute_import, division, print_function,
from pyneric.future import *
from future.standard_library import install_aliases

import inspect
import functools
from urllib.parse import quote, unquote, urljoin, urlsplit, urlunsplit

from pyneric.meta import Metaclass
from pyneric import util
from pyneric.util import tryf

__all__ = []

"""Assumed string encoding (matches quote/unquote default)"""

"""URL path separator"""

def _ensure_text(value, coerce=True):
    return ensure_text(value, _ENCODING, coerce=coerce)

def _unquote(string):
    return unquote(string, errors='strict')

def _url_join(base, path, safe=''):
    base = _ensure_text(base)
    path = quote(_ensure_text(path), safe=safe)
    if base.endswith(SEPARATOR):
        if not path.endswith(SEPARATOR):
            path += SEPARATOR
        base += SEPARATOR
    return urljoin(base, path)

def _url_split(url):
    result = list(urlsplit(url))
    result[2] = result[2].rstrip(SEPARATOR)
    result[3:] = '', ''
    return result

class _RestMetaclass(Metaclass):

    __metadata__ = dict(url_path=None, container_class=None,
    __propagate__ = tuple(__metadata__) + ('is_abstract',)

    def validate_url_path(value):
        if value is None:
            return  # Resource is abstract; no further validation is necessary.
            _ensure_text(value, coerce=False)
        except TypeError:
            raise TypeError(
                "invalid url_path attribute (not string): {!r}"
        except UnicodeDecodeError:
            raise ValueError(
                "invalid url_path attribute (not valid {}): {!r}"
                .format(_ENCODING, value))
        if not value:
            raise ValueError(
                "invalid url_path attribute (empty): {!r}"
        elif value.startswith(SEPARATOR):
            raise ValueError(
                "invalid url_path attribute (leading slash): {!r}"

    def validate_container_class(value):
        if not (value is None or
                inspect.isclass(value) and
                issubclass(value, RestResource)):
            raise TypeError(
                "invalid container_class attribute: {!r}"

    def validate_reference_attribute(value):
        if value is None:
            util.valid_python_identifier(value, exception=True)
        except (TypeError, UnicodeDecodeError, ValueError) as exc:
            raise type(exc)(
                "invalid reference_attribute attribute: {!r} ({})"
                .format(value, exc))

    def is_abstract(cls):
        """Return whether this resource class is abstract (no url_path)."""
        return cls.url_path is None

[docs]class RestResource(future.with_metaclass(_RestMetaclass, object)): """A standard REST resource. A REST resource is represented by a (usually HTTP) URL, which is specified in this class via the combination of the `container` passed to the constructor and the :attr:`url_path`. See the attribute documentation for more details. """ url_path = None """Path segment(s) identifying the REST resource. This may be `None` to signify that this is an abstract resource; otherwise, it is the path under the base (API root or containing resource) identifying this resource, which will be automatically URL-quoted (except for path separators) when it is included in a URL produced by the library. This may contain path separator(s) ("/") if there is no need to access the path segments as distinct REST resources. This cannot start with a path separator, but it may end with one if this and resources under this one (i.e., those that use this one as container) shall each have a trailing path separator. If the `container` passed to the constructor is a URL string with a trailing slash or a :class:`RestResource` with a `url_path` ending with a path separator, then it is not significant whether this value has a trailing path separator, since all resources under that container are represented with a trailing path separator. """ container_class = None """The parent REST resource that contains this resource. The `container` passed to the constructor must be an instance of this resource. If this is `None`, then the `container` passed to the constructor must be a URL string under which this resource resides. An attribute named after this class or explicitly named by this class is created to reference the instance passed to the constructor as `container`. """ container_is_collection = False """Whether the containing resource is the specified collection. This only applies when the :attr:`container_class` is a subclass of `RestCollection`; it is simply a convenience for automatically confirming the resource's validity within the REST API. If this is false, then this resource exists under each member of the collection; otherwise, it exists directly under the collection itself. """ reference_attribute = None """The attribute name used to refer to this resource. For example, this applies when another resource refers to this one as the container. If this is `None` (the default), then the attribute used to refer to this resource (as container) is the class name converted to lower-case and underscored (with additional underscore(s) appended when it would conflict with existing attributes in the referring resource). """ def __init__(self, container): def invalid_for_type(reason=None): message = ("Container {!r} is invalid for resource type {!r}." .format(container, type(self))) if reason: message += " " + reason raise ValueError(message) if self.is_abstract: raise TypeError( "{!r} is an abstract RestResource and cannot be instantiated." .format(type(self))) self._container = container if self.container_class: if not (isinstance(container, self.container_class) and (not issubclass(self.container_class, RestCollection) or self.container_is_collection is None or bool(self.container_is_collection) is ( is None))): invalid_for_type() attr = self.container_class.reference_attribute if not attr: attr = util.underscore(self.container_class.__name__) while hasattr(self, attr): attr += '_' setattr(self, attr, container) container = container.url elif not isinstance(container, basestring): invalid_for_type("It must be a string (URL).") self._url = _url_join(container, self.url_path, safe=SEPARATOR) @classmethod
[docs] def from_url(cls, url): """Construct an instance of this resource based on the given URL.""" try: return cls._from_url(url) except Exception as exc: raise ValueError( "The URL {!r} is invalid for {}. {}" .format(url, cls.__name__, exc))
@classmethod def _from_url(cls, url, **kwargs): container = cls._get_container_from_url(url) if cls.container_class: container = cls.container_class.from_url(container) return cls(container, **kwargs) @classmethod def _get_container_from_url(cls, url): original_url, url = url, _ensure_text(url) url_split = _url_split(url) segments = [quote(_unquote(x)) for x in url_split[2].split(SEPARATOR)] resource_segments = (quote(_ensure_text(cls.url_path)) .rstrip(SEPARATOR).split(SEPARATOR)) size = len(resource_segments) if segments[-size:] != resource_segments: multiple = size != 1 raise ValueError( "The last {}segment{} of the URL {!r} {} invalid for {}." .format("{} ".format(size) if multiple else "", "s" if multiple else "", original_url, "are" if multiple else "is", cls.__name__)) url_split[2] = SEPARATOR.join(segments[:-size]) return urlunsplit(url_split) def __getattr__(self, item): try: import requests except ImportError: # pragma: no cover pass else: try: func = getattr(requests, item) except AttributeError: pass else: if (inspect.isfunction(func) and 'url' in (inspect.getargspec(func).args if future.PY2 else inspect.signature(func).parameters)): return functools.partial(func, url=self.url) util.raise_attribute_error(self, item) @property def container(self): """The container of this resource. This is an instance of :attr:`container_class` if that is not `None`; otherwise, this is the URL under which this resource resides. Whether the container has a trailing slash determines whether the resource's URL includes a trailing slash. """ return self._container @property def url(self): """The complete URL of the resource.""" return self._url
class _RestCollectionMetaclass(_RestMetaclass): __metadata__ = dict(id_type=str) __propagate__ = tuple(__metadata__) @classmethod def validate_id_type(cls, value): if not inspect.isclass(value): raise TypeError( "invalid id_type attribute: {!r}" .format(value)) @util.add_to_all
[docs]class RestCollection(future.with_metaclass(_RestCollectionMetaclass, RestResource)): """A standard REST collection. This is a special type of resource in REST where a set of usually homogeneous, but at least related, resources are contained within a collection. The collection is represented by the `url_path` (usually a plural noun) and each member of the collection is represented by a unique identifier under the collection in the URL path. For example, a collection called "resources" might have individual members of the collection represented by "resources/1" and "resources/2". In this case, "resources" would be the :attr:`url_path`, and "1" and "2" would be the values for :attr:`id`. An instance will represent either the collection or a member of the collection, depending on the `id` argument passed to the constructor. """ id_type = str """The type of the :attr:`id` attribute. The :attr:`id_type` is `str` by default, since that is how it is represented in the resource URL, but it can be set to another type if the :attr:`id` attribute should be accepted and presented differently from its string representation. """ def __init__(self, container, id=None): """Initialize an instance of this REST collection or a member. :param str/RestResource container: See :attr:`RestResource.container`. :param id: See :attr:`id`. The instance represents the collection when `id` is `None`; otherwise, it represents one of its members. """ super().__init__(container) self._id = id = self.validate_id(id) if id is None: return self._url = _url_join(self._url, id) @classmethod def _from_url(cls, url, **kwargs): assert not kwargs, ("RestCollection._from_url should never receive " "keyword arguments.") super_method = super()._from_url try: result = super_method(url) except ValueError: result = None url_split = _url_split(_ensure_text(url)) url_split[2], id = url_split[2].rsplit(SEPARATOR, 1) try: id = cls.validate_id(_unquote(id)) except ValueError: if result: return result raise collection_url = urlunsplit(url_split) try: member_result = super_method(collection_url, id=id) except ValueError: if result: return result raise if result: raise ValueError( "The URL {!r} is ambiguous for {} as to whether " "it is for the collection or one of its members." .format(url, cls.__name__)) return member_result @classmethod
[docs] def validate_id(cls, value): """Validate the given value as a valid identifier for this resource.""" if value is None: return id = value if not isinstance(value, cls.id_type): try: id = cls.id_type(id) except Exception as exc: raise ValueError( "The id {!r} cannot be cast to {!r}. {}" .format(value, cls.id_type, str(exc))) if not tryf(str, id): raise ValueError( "The id {!r} has no string representation." .format(value)) return id
@property def id(self): """The identifier of the member within the REST collection. This is `None` if this instance represents the entire collection. The value provided to the constructor must be one of: * `None` * an instance of :attr:`id_type` * a value that can be passed alone to :attr:`id_type` In the last case, the object that results from the instantiation becomes the value of this property. Like :attr:`url_path`, when this value is included in a URL produced by the library, it is automatically cast to a string and URL-quoted, except that path separators (slashes) in :attr:`id` are also quoted. """ return self._id