Release Notes

Version 1.3.0

Fix URL-quoting in pyneric.rest_requests (issue #7), which might cause errors with callers who were working around the bug by providing URL-quoted values where that should not have been necessary. Remove the URL-quoting of values provided to these classes that are used as segments of URLs prior to upgrading. Actual URLs (such as the container argument passed to the RestResource constructor) should remain URL-quoted.

Add the pyneric.requests module, which includes the new RequestHandler class.

Fix a Python 2.6 incompatibility in pyneric.future. Note that Python 2.6 is still not officially supported.

Deprecate pyneric.future.python_2_unicode_compatible(), since it is now the same implementation as the one in future.utils.

Fix a bug in pyneric.rest_requests.RestResource.from_url() that made it fail to work correctly with resources that have a trailing slash in url_path.

Version 1.2.1

Allow APIs that utilize trailing slashes in rest_requests. Specify a container with a trailing slash to make all resources under it have a trailing slash.

Version 1.2

pyneric.django.db.models.fields.pguuid.AutoPgUuidField is new and is the first Django extension in the library. It is an optional feature, which can be made a requirement in a project by specifying “pyneric[django-pguuid]” as a requirement. See the documentation for more details and django_test_app under the tests directory for an example.

Version 1.1.1

MetadataBehaviour now takes a validate_transforms argument that (if set to true) will make validation methods (those that match the concatenation of validate_prefix and a metadata field name) also transform the metadata value; that is, whatever the method returns is what the value becomes.

Version 1.1

The get_function_name utility function is new.

Optional (extra) requirements “pyinotify” and “requests” are now truly optional; details are below.

FileSystemNotifier is no longer imported into the base package because it has a requirement that is optional/extra for the library. The name for the extra feature has been changed from “FileSystemNotifier” to “fsnotify”.

The “requests” extra feature name is new, and a project should require it if it intends to make HTTP requests from the REST classes in pyneric.rest_requests. Those REST classes are also now usable without the “requests” package requirement (if not calling HTTP request methods, of course).

Version 1.0

This is the initial stable release. Some util module functions and the meta and rest_requests modules are new.

Version 0.2

The new pyneric.fsnotify module adds simple support for file system event notifications with the FileSystemNotifier class. The pyinotify library is optional but is required to use this module.

Version 0.1

This was the first alpha release, containing a few utility functions and extensions and fixes for using the future library.